2017作曲理论学科建设国际高峰论坛专家简介——Martina Sichardt

发布时间:2017-11-10 点击次数:122



Martina Sichardt studied School Music, Music Theory, Musicology and Classical Philology in Mainz, Vienna, and Berlin. In 1987, she finished her Dissertation "Die Entstehung der Zw?lftonmethode Arnold Sch?nbergs" [“The Emergence of Arnold Sch?nberg’s Twelve-Tone Method”] under Rudolf Stephan (Freie Universit?t Berlin), published Mainz 1990. She completed her Professorial Thesis in 2008"Entwurf einer narratologischen Beethoven-Analyse" [“An Outline of a Narratological Analysis of Beethoven”], published Bonn 2012. As a Scholarship Holder of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, she studied and researched throughout the USA (at Harvard University, the Arnold Schoenberg Institute in Los Angeles and at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.) as well as in Krakow and Vienna. She is also an active participant in the Master Classes for Violin by Yfrah Neaman (London). Between 1978 and 1980, she was a violinist in the orchestra of the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden. Between 1987 and 2008, her main employment was as a Post-Doctoral Researcher on the Arnold Sch?nberg Gesamtausgabe [Arnold Sch?nberg Complete EditionInstitute]in Berlin. Other positions that were held include Visiting Professor in Berlin (Universit?t der Künste) and Hamburg (Universit?t Hamburg) as well as adjunct faculty in both Berlin (Freie Universit?t, Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler) and Cologne (Musikhochschule). Since 2008, she was Professor at the "Hochschule für Musik und Theater Felix Mendelssohn Bartoldy" Leipzig. During the summer terms of 2015 and 2016, she was also a Guest Professor at the "Universit?t für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien". In November 2016 she was awarded the S?chsischer Lehrpreis (Category: Kunsthochschule). Her research interests include the Second Viennese School, Beethoven, Sketch Research, and Edition.



"Towards a Narratological Analysis of Beethoven"



This paper undertakes the attempt to understand and analyze compositions of Beethoven as a narrative. My reflections are based on the narratological theories of Eberhardt L?mmert and Gérard Genette and focus on the category of "time". Especially the category of "interpolated retrospects" and its subcategories of "retrospect" and "recourse" are applied to an analysis of musical passages out of Beethoven. In doing so, narrative structures in music are revealed. It is the aim of my reflections to arrive at a musical-terminological definition of the mentioned narratological terms.