
发布时间:2017-11-10 点击次数:191

刘康华(1949- )中央音乐学院作曲系教授。1977年毕业于中央音乐学院作曲系,同年留校任教。1988年至1990年由国家公派至前苏联“莫斯科国立柴可夫斯基音乐学院”理论作曲系学习。长期从事作曲技术理论的教学与研究工作,论文主要涉及晚期浪漫派的和声语言、二十世纪现代和声技法以及中国当代作曲家的和声研究,编著过和声学教材及多种和声辅助教材。1995年获“北京市优秀教师”称号。1997年由国务院批准为享受政府特殊津贴专家。2011年获宝钢教育基金优秀教师奖。

Born in1949, Liu Kanghua is the professor of Composition Department at Central Conservatory of Music.Graduated from the Composition Department of Central Conservatory of Music in 1977, he then stayed for his teaching career in the same year. From 1988 to 1990, financed by the government, he pursued further study at the Department of Composition Theory at Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music of former Soviet Union. Professor Liu Kanghua has been engaged in the teaching and research of theory of composition skills for a long time. And his papers are mainly on the harmonic language of late Romanticism, the modern harmonic techniques of 20th century and the harmony of Chinese contemporary composers. Besides, he edited the teaching materials on harmony and many other supporting teaching materials on harmony. In 1995 Professor Liu was awarded the "Beijing outstanding teachers". From 1997, he began to enjoy the special government allowances on experts with the approval of the State Council. And in 2011, he won the award of the Bao Gang Education Fund on Outstanding Teacher.




Some Thoughts on the Teaching of Main Subjects in the Cultivation of Graduates on Music Theory Discipline

- Also on the "Thesis-oriented" and "Comprehensive quality” Model in the Cultivation of Graduates


      中央音乐学院的音乐理论学科研究生培养与学位授予工作已走过30多年的历程。经过多年培养实践的磨砺,学院有关音乐理论研究生的“培养目标”、“教学方案”与“课程设置”的制定,几经研讨、总结、修改、充实,已日臻完善。    随着我国经济、文化建设的发展,笔者本着与时俱进的观念对已有研究生工作与教学等有关文件再次作深入的研读,结合长期的教学实践进行再思考,包括对培养目标、教学方案、以及课程设置的再思考。从而提出:具有相应研究能力的高层次音乐理论教师是音乐理论研究生培养的主要目标;作为培养主体—导师的主科设计是达到培养目标的关键所在,因而需调整“论文主导型”的培养模式,提倡将“论文指导”包容其中的“全面素质型”模式;最终,主科的相应课程设置是完成培养目标的基本保证。笔者在这几个方面提出了一些有深化空间的思考意见。因仅一己之见,恭请参会代表不吝指教。

     The cultivation of Graduates on music theory discipline and diploma-awarding work of Central Conservatory of Music have gone through 30 years. After years of training practice, the formulation of training objectives, teaching programs and curriculum designing of music theory discipline on Graduates has become better after several discussions, summaries, modifications, and enrichments

     As China’s economy and culture develop, an in-depth research on the Graduate cultivation and its related documents has been made again in line with the times. With the long-term teaching practice, further thoughts are made on the training objectives, teaching programs, as well as curriculum designing. This paper proposes that the high-level music theory teacher with the corresponding research ability is the main goal of the cultivation of postgraduates on music theory. The key to achieve the training objective is the design of main subjects of the supervisor as the main training body. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust “thesis-oriented" of training mode.To include the "paper guidance” in "comprehensive quality" model is suggested. Finally, the design of main subject is the basic guarantee of achieving the training objectives. Some thoughts are presented here that need further exploration. I hope that delegates here don't hesitate to offer their advices on my personal opinions.