2017作曲理论学科建设国际高峰论坛专家简介——Mikhail Malt

发布时间:2017-11-10 点击次数:146



Mikhail Malt, having a twofold training, scientific and musical (Engineer, composer and musical conductor) started out his musical career in Brazil as both flutist and orchestral conductor, having conducting youth orchestras for almost ten years. He has a PHD grade with a thesis at the “Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales” dedicated to the use of Mathematical models in Computer Assisted Composition, and a HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des recherches) degree with the dissertation : “Representation in Computer Aided Composition and Computational Musicology”. Was Associated Professor at Sorbonne Paris IV, from 2006 to 2012. Nowadays he is researcher in the Music Representations Team - UMR 9912 STMS  (IRCAM, CNRS, UPMC), associated researcher at IReMus – Sorbonne Universités and Computer Music Designer Teacher in the Educational Department at Ircam, Paris-France. He is currently pursuing his research and composition activities in the fields of musical modeling, sonification and musical representation epistemology.



Audio Features and musical composition, nowadays



In his Collège de France inaugural lesson (January 26, 2017), the French composer Philippe Manoury stated that “the knowledge of sound has often exerted a decisive influence on the theories of composition,” emphasizing that composition techniques depend, among other things, on the knowledge of the sound phenomenon. From this point, we will try to understand how this knowledge of sound, especially those brought by sound descriptors, or audio features, have been integrated recently in the musical composition and what possible consequences for the musical writing and for our conception of the musical timbre.