2017作曲理论学科建设国际高峰论坛专家简介——Natasha Loges

发布时间:2017-11-10 点击次数:152



Natasha Loges is Head of Postgraduate Programmes at the Royal College of Music, London. Her research interests include concert history, 19th-century performance practices, word-music relationships, and the life and music of Johannes Brahms. Her work has been funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the British Academy. Her books are Brahms and his Poets (2017) and Brahms in the Home and the Concert Hall (2014). The books Johannes Brahms in Context (2018) and a study of the European salon are preparation. She has contributed to Music and Literature in German RomanticismThe Cambridge Companion to the Singer-Songwriter, and theCambridge History of Musical Performance; and to the journals Music & LettersNineteenth-Century Music Review and 19th-Century Music (forthcoming). Natasha has performed at venues like the Holywell Music Room and St Johns Smith Square. She broadcasts on BBC Radio 3, reviews for BBC Music Magazine and speaks at festivals and concerts, particularly the Oxford Lieder Festival. She has supervised doctorates in: Brahms’s vocal chamber music, Coaching Schoenberg’s songs, the Chamber Music of Ferdinand Rebay, Early Pianism of Robert Schumann, the Piano Works of Karl Goldmark, Chopin’s Worded Indications in Performance and the Pianism of Sergei Rachmaninov.



The Changing Meanings of ‘Theory’ within Conservatoire Postgraduate Education





Postgraduate music education has diversified in unimaginable ways during the last two decades, both in conservatoires and universities. Postgraduate study can now include not only traditional components like music history and musical analysis, but a wide range of other topics such as performance research, business studies, music and gender, popular music, world music, music as cultural practice and much more. The choice is bewildering, but postgraduate music study remains as popular as ever; students always feel the need for ‘more time’ to develop their artistry and broaden their experience.

This talk will open with a consideration of some of the issues which currently shape postgraduate music study, particularly within the United Kingdom. It will explore how postgraduate study is shaped distinctly from undergraduate study, drawing on established UK and European definitions and practices. It will then broadly survey the way postgraduate courses have changed in recent years, particularly with the growing emphasis on employability.

The focus will then shift to the recent 2015-16 review of Masters Programmes at the Royal College of Music in London, discussing how the programme and faculty teams arrived at the current programme design. This final design takes into account the views of students, professors, departmental heads, the wider institutional vision, and our students’ diverse career outcomes. Three case studies of new optional modules which have been regarded as particularly successful will be discussed briefly. Concluding thoughts will reflect on the changing definition of the concept of ‘theory’ within this landscape, and what kind of theory leads to successful and rewarding outcomes for students.